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Cesium Use is a Vue-based CesiumJS utility library that offers a range of functions and components to simplify the development process based on CesiumJS.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • JavaScript
  • Vue
  • CesiumJS

Before using Cesium Use, it is assumed that you have a basic understanding of them.


Click on the earth to see the result!


The structure is:

    <Demo />

The code of Viewer.vue :

<script setup>
import { useViewerProvider } from 'cesium-use'

const container = useTemplateRef('container')
const { isMounted } = useViewerProvider(() => new Cesium.Viewer(container.value))

  <div relative>
    <div ref="container" h-full w-full />
    <slot v-if="isMounted" />

And the code of Demo.vue :

<script setup>
import { Located, useEventHandler, useViewer } from 'cesium-use'

const viewer = useViewer()

const show = ref(true)
const pos = shallowRef()

const handler = useEventHandler()
handler(({ position }) => {
  pos.value = viewer.scene.pickPosition(position)
}, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK)

  <Located v-model="show" :coordinate="pos">
    <div bg-gradient-to-r shadow-lg from-rose to-blue text-nowrap c-white rounded p-4>
      I am Cesium Use!

The above example demonstrates several key features of Cesium Use:

  • Native Development Experience: Strives to provide a development experience closely resembling native CesiumJS.
  • Functions and Components: Offers a range of functions and components to cover various use cases.
  • Automatic Import: Supports unplugin-auto-import, eliminating the need for manually importing provided methods.
  • Viewer Management: Provides functions for managing the Viewer, making it easy to obtain the Viewer instance.


Play the example above online on stackblitz!

Naming Convention

cesium-use follows the composable naming convention for functions.

  1. All functions starting with use are definitely composable functions, which means you should call them within the setup call stack.
  2. All functions not starting with use are definitely NOT composable functions.

Viewer Management

For convenient Viewer instance management, Cesium Use provides two methods for use.

  • useViewer Get viewer instance by provide / inject.
  • useViewerProvider Inject viewer instance by provide / inject.

For more related content, refer to useViewer.