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Reactive timeline. Used To control currentTime, start/endTime, time rate...


const { currentTime } = useTimeline()
const clock = new Cesium.Clock()
const { play } = useTimeline(clock)

useTimeline accepts an optional Cesium.Clock as a parameter. By default, it catch viewer.clock in the context through useViewer.

currentTime, startTime, stopTime are all Unix Time Stamp in milliseconds. rate is used to control the speed of time flow, and when it's less than 0, it can make time flow backwards. Please note that paused is a read-only property. If you want to pause/resume time, please call the play() or pause() methods.

More usage please refer to the Demo and the type declaration.


The return values are either functions or reactive variables:

  • rate: A number representing the rate of time flow.
  • paused: A read-only boolean indicating whether time is stopped.
  • currentTime: A number representing the current time (Unix timestamp).
  • startTime: A number representing the start time of the timeline (Unix timestamp).
  • stopTime: A number representing the end time of the timeline (Unix timestamp).
  • play: A function to make time start flowing.
  • pause: A function to pause the time.


Type Declarations

 * Reactive timeline. Used To control currentTime, start/endTime, time rate...
 * Time are all Unix Time Stamp in milliseconds.
export declare function useTimeline(clock?: Cesium.Clock): {
  rate: Ref<number, number>
  paused: Readonly<Ref<boolean, boolean>>
  currentTime: Ref<number, number>
  startTime: Ref<number, number>
  stopTime: Ref<number, number>
  play: () => void
  pause: () => void

