Experimental Feature
It is an experimental feature. It is not guaranteed to reach stable status and the API may change before it does.
The water surface with reflections.
const waterPlane = useWaterPlane()
// Basic params.
const primitive = waterPlane({
normalMapUrl: WaterImage,
positions: => Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(item[0], item[1])),
height: 10,
const form = reactive({
height: 10,
reflectivity: 0.15,
rippleSize: 100,
waterColor: '#020E12',
waterAlpha: 0.9,
distortionScale: 10,
watchEffect(() => {
primitive.height = form.height
primitive.reflectivity = form.reflectivity
primitive.rippleSize = form.rippleSize
primitive.waterColor = defineColor(form.waterColor)
primitive.waterAlpha = form.waterAlpha
primitive.distortionScale = form.distortionScale
// Show and hide
function toggleShow() { = !
// Destroy
function destroy() {
Type Declarations
type OmitProperties =
| "scene"
| "rippleSize"
| "waterColor"
| "waterAlpha"
| "reflectivity"
| "distortionScale"
| "flowDegrees"
| "lightDirection"
| "sunShiny"
export type UseWaterPlaneOptions = {
scene?: Cesium.Scene
rippleSize?: number
waterColor?: Cesium.Color
waterAlpha?: number
reflectivity?: number
distortionScale?: number
flowDegrees?: number
lightDirection?: Cesium.Cartesian3
sunShiny?: number
} & Omit<WaterPrimitiveConstructorOptions, OmitProperties>
export declare function useWaterPlane(
viewer?: Cesium.Viewer,
): (options: UseWaterPlaneOptions) => WaterPrimitive
export interface WaterPrimitiveConstructorOptions {
scene: Cesium.Scene
height: number
flowDegrees: number
positions: {
latitude: number
longitude: number
normalMapUrl: string
rippleSize: number
waterColor: Cesium.Color
waterAlpha: number
reflectivity: number
lightDirection: Cesium.Cartesian3
sunShiny: number
distortionScale: number
declare class WaterPrimitive {
private _scene
private _height
private _flowDegrees
private _positions
private _show
private _reflectorWorldPosition
private _originalReflectorWorldPosition
private _normal
private _waterPlane
private _reflectMatrix
private _reflectorViewMatrix
private _reflectorProjectionMatrix
private _initUniforms
private _primitive
private _virtualCamera?
private _material?
private _colorFramebuffer?
private _colorTexture?
private _depthStencilTexture?
private _hdr?
private __UniformState_prototype_updateFrustum
private __PerspectiveFrustum_prototype_clone
constructor(options: WaterPrimitiveConstructorOptions)
get show(): boolean
set show(val: boolean)
get rippleSize(): any
set rippleSize(val: any)
get waterColor(): any
set waterColor(val: any)
get waterAlpha(): any
set waterAlpha(val: any)
get reflectivity(): any
set reflectivity(val: any)
get distortionScale(): any
set distortionScale(val: any)
get height(): number
set height(val: number)
_createReflectionWaterMaterial(): Cesium.Material
_updateVirtualCamera(virtualCamera: Cesium.Camera): boolean
preRender(renderInfo: any): void
positions: Cesium.Cartesian3[],
rotationAngle: number,
): Cesium.Primitive
_getFixedFrameToEastNorthUpTransformFromWorldMatrix(): Cesium.Matrix4
context: Cesium.Scene["context"],
width: number,
height: number,
hdrEnabled: boolean,
): void
_destroyResource(): void
destroy(): void