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Experimental Feature

It is an experimental feature. It is not guaranteed to reach stable status and the API may change before it does.

Plot points and update data reactively.

  • The first parameter is an array that usePoints iterates through to plot points.
  • The second parameter is a callback function called during each iteration, with each array item as an argument. Use this callback function to customize the markers for the plotted points.

This implementation is based on LabelCollection and BillboardCollection, ensuring reliable performance.


const data = shallowRef([
  { id: 1, lon: '86', lat: '27' },
  { id: 2, lon: '86.5', lat: 27.5 },
  { id: 3, lon: 87, lat: 28 },
  { id: 4, lon: '86', lat: '27', height: '500' }

const { points, flyTo, toggleShow } = usePoints(data, item => ({
  longitude: item.lon,
  height: item.height,
  billboardOptions: {
    scale: 0.02,
    image: img
  labelOptions: { text: String( },
  onEach({ label, billboard }, index) {
    // Callback function to be executed after generating each data point.


flyTo(1) // Move the camera to the point with ID 1 using `viewer.flyTo`.
flyTo(2, (_, pos) => {
  console.log('Callback when flyTo start', pos)
}).then(() => {
  console.log('Callback when flyTo end')

toggleShow(false) // HIde all points
toggleShow() // Toggle the visibility state of all data points.

const { label, billboard } = points.get(1) // Get the point with ID 1

data.value = [{ id: 1, lon: '86', lat: '27' }] // This will trigger an update, clearing the previous data points.
data.value = [] // Equal to clear all points

The points returned by the function is a data of Map type, which stores key-value pairs of id -> { label, billboard }. You can retrieve the data for the corresponding location by manipulating the Map.

Tips for manually modifying points

When adding, removing, or updating points using points, remember to manually synchronize with billboardCollection and labelCollection. Since usePoints is intended to be a function for generating data points based on a dataset, manually modifying the points within it is considered a rare edge case. There are currently no plans to introduce new APIs for easier manual modifications.


Type Declarations

export type UsePointsBillboardOptions = Omit<
export type UsePointsLabelOptions = Omit<
export interface UsePointsOptions {
  id: any
  longitude: number | string
  latitude: number | string
  height?: number | string
  billboardOptions: UsePointsBillboardOptions
  labelOptions: UsePointsLabelOptions
  onEach?: (
    item: {
      label: Cesium.Label
      billboard: Cesium.Billboard
    index: number,
  ) => void
export declare function usePoints<UsePointsItem extends object = object>(
  data: MaybeRefOrGetter<UsePointsItem[]>,
  options: (item: UsePointsItem) => UsePointsOptions,
): {
  billboardCollection: Cesium.BillboardCollection
  labelCollection: Cesium.LabelCollection
  points: Map<
      label: Cesium.Label
      billboard: Cesium.Billboard
  toggleShow: (state?: boolean) => void
  flyTo: (
    id: UsePointsOptions["id"],
    fn?: (billboard: Cesium.Billboard, coordinate: Cesium.Cartesian3) => void,
  ) => Promise<Cesium.Billboard>

